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Superbrands East Africa Council Members 2022

Bobby Kamani
Zuri Group Global
A Superbrand is a distinct identity and recognizes itself as an independent brand personality. A Superbrand creates brand loyalty and generates a sense of pride in the association, wherein every user is willing to pay a non-negotiable, premium price, without hesitation. This builds a remarkable level of respect for the brand in the market segments. A Superbrand is a reflection of the trust, confidence, peace of mind, belief and fulfilled aspirations of its chosen consumers. It becomes a crucial part of its consumers lifestyle. A Superbrand exceeds consumers expectations and adapts to the dynamic and ever-evolving market shifts and change in consumer behaviors, naturally and effortlessly; always commanding attention without shouting out loud. It shapes the pattern of consumer demands and sets the trend in the market. It is imperative to focus on a holistic experience & sustain overall standards of business deliverables & performance.
Chris Harrison
Africa Partner
The Brand Inside
What is a Superbrand? Superbrands are the cornerstones of any market-led economy. To consumers they signal excellence. To competitors they set the standard. To employees they signal purpose. To shareholders they improve returns. Superbrands have made the transition from being simple products or services. They have learnt to add a relevant emotional dimension to their functional performance. Their owners have devoted time and effort to making them distinctive and promoting them to a specific target audience. The employees who deliver them understand their promise and personality, and adjust their own behaviours accordingly.
Dr. Darshan Chandaria
Group CEO and Director
“A Superbrand separates itself from the competition. One that consumers rely upon for superior quality and exceptional service. A Superbrand embeds its customers' needs into its DNA. Constant innovation allows a Superbrand to provide differentiated products and services, setting market trends that others follow. It also becomes and maintains its place in its customers lives year after year, generation after generation. A superbrand also helps all its business partners grow with the brand and company. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, you will note that most Superbrands now have a more substantial digital presence than ever before. The transition from a brand to a Superbrand occurs when the brand takes strong responsibility for the impact its products or services have not only on consumers but all its stakeholders.”
Dr. Hanningtone Gaya
Media 7 Group Kenya
A Superbrand is a consumer experience, a consumer delight and a consumer guarantee of quality in material content and workmanship or production process. A Super brand is value for money, a peace of mind.
Esther Ngomeli
Group Chief Operating Officer & Deputy CEO
Redhouse Group Ltd.
The Covid-19 pandemic has upended every marketer's and business leader's playbook, disrupting every aspect of our lives, thinking and how we conduct business. We have also seen a continued rise in customer’s expectations and the desire for anticipatory, seamless experiences with the brands they interact with. In this new era, Superbrands must be agile, adopt new innovative and effective ways of working, while investing in data and technology as a core function to deepen their understanding of the evolving consumer, sharpen their decision-making and drive greater relevance to their consumer engagement and build stronger brand connections.
Marion Gathoga – Mwangi
Managing Director
BOC Gases
What is a Superbrands? A Super brand is a brand that exceeds the needs of the customer. The customer regards the Brand as having excellent value and feels a soft connection to the brand. It is true Customers buy outcomes, not products or services. The brand that has high recall and responds the current and changing needs of the customer ascends to Super brand status. In unpredictable times like during the COVID-19 Pandemic experienced since March 2020, the Superbrand transcends and remains at high recall. To deliver this Super brand we all need to continually understand value through the eyes of our customers. This requires streamlining our organizations to reduce non-value adding activities, engaging employees towards the focus on customer and creating a clear competitive edge. When all this is in place, super brand business results will follow and the business profit model to becomes oriented to the price the customer is willing to pay i.e. Cost = (Sales – Profit) away from the traditional Profit = (Sales price - Cost) .
Michael Okwiri
Vice President – Corporate Communications & CSR
Airtel Africa
What is a brand? There is a common misconception that a brand is a logo, at least that is what I thought many years ago. I joined KCB as part of the marketing team a long time ago and the Chief Executive at the time hauled me into his office and said he thinks we ought to rebrand the organisation from the Kenya Commercial Bank to KCB to give it a more modern feel. My immediate reaction at the time was, hey boss we can work on the logo and colour scheme and we are good to go. He looked at me in somewhat disdain and said it goes well beyond that. After a chat, it seemed like he wanted to change the entire organisation to be more customer friendly, from service to IT systems, to branch look and feel etc. In other words he said a brand is everything you do within the organisation and every touch point the customer experiences. It radically altered my ‘brand’ perspective in a single conversation.
Mohammed “MO” Gulamabbas Dewji
Tanzanian businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist
Former politician à Paris
A brand is the perception that surrounds a product, company or individual: the summation of the tangible and intangible components. A brand is the consumers’ expectation and idea of something or someone, informed by both the material and abstract experience: the website, the logo, the flavor and the quality, and the emotions and associations evoked when you drink a particular beverage or visit a store. A Superbrand is a brand that stands out amongst its competitors, it is the ultimate evolution of a brand. What creates a superbrand? To start, consistency drives strong consumer loyalty. A brand must always deliver high quality. Authenticity is also critical. When a brand represents what it stands for, consumers truly believe in the brand. Superbrands must also be adaptable, ready to evolve not just alongside, but ahead of consumer. Superbrands set consumer trends. Abova all, a superbrand enjoys deep emotional ties to consumers. It is this emotional bond that motivates us to action.
Prital Patel
Creative VMLY&R
A Superbrand is a brand that has created strong top of mind awareness coupled with the repute of trust and quality. The brand has distinguished itself from its competitors by creating strong brand equity within its audiences and proven consistency in the industry it exists in. It inspires confidence and is consistent in its offering and quality.
Rashid Tenga
Agnet Group
"Africa's epoch is yet to come, she has the fastest growing youth population with more than 45% of young people ready to become consumers. The hopes, desires and aspirations of these young people must be encapsulated in what will be the African superbrand of the future. As we delve into the digital age, more and more consumers will become better connected through various social media and other connectivity paradigms. The African superbrand will be one that provides great value and quality, but above all be agile enough to leapfrog into a new digital World for Africans, by Africans. In other words, we will not digitalise Africa, but rather “Africanise” digital. As always I remain very excited and optimistic about the African continent.
Sameer Merali
Sameer Group
Superbrand ~ Brand that is synonymous with good quality, exceptional customer experience and products/services. It's a brand that is superior in it's offering as compared to it's peers. A Superbrand exhibits characteristics of quality, consistency and innovation. All stakeholders are proud to be associated with a Superbrand as it has the credibility they are proud to be part of and associated with it. A big part of being a Superbrand is the trust your partners put in you - from process, quality control and finally to the end product. They know all the parts of the process or product have been thoroughly checked and all strict guidelines followed. In today's ever changing world, innovation is critical for a Superbrand to be relevant. Superbrands are fully aware of this and invest heavily to ensure their products are dynamic and versatile.
Tom Sitati
Partner, Strategy Division
What is a Superbrand? We now live in an era where human connections, more than ever before in recent history, have taken center stage. The COVID-19 pandemic both forced and allowed time for deep introspection by consumers on what they value most. Material wealth, consumerism, conspicuous consumption and ostentation have almost become capital offences. This has left brands with one avenue to endear themselves to consumers, becoming more human. Superbrands are those brands that shall be "Superhuman" in a very authentic manner. Superbrands are those brands that shall find it in their DNA not just to sell a product or service, but to make it their way of life to truly care for the holistic humans that are their consumers.
Vimal Shah
Bidco Africa Ltd.
What would we call a SuperBrand? A brand that has such high awareness and usage that the “Brand has become a generic name for the product category”, e.g., Kimbo in Kenya for cooking fats, Colgate for toothpaste, etc. It is also a brand that stands out from the other products in the category with a very “high top of mind awareness” A Superbrand is a distinct personality is strong on values and also delivers on its brand promise. A brand that inspires and gives people higher self-esteem in being associated with it, has the people’s trust, respect and is seen as a responsible brand.

Superbrands East Africa Council Members 2016

Caleb Owino
Managing Director
Fireworks Advertising
An organization’s ability to create and build brands is key to high performance While most organizations see branding as an means of communicating value, Superbrands place brand thinking at the core of the entire process of value design. From the choice of products to develop to the pick of markets to enter, they are guided by strategic fit for existing brands and opportunity to create new ones Where most brands compete, the true winners are virtual monopolies. Diligent brand building can offer minnows a pathway to dominance. In all, the brand sweet spot lies where differentiated value meets consumer affection A Superbrand ought to hold or be clearly on its way to a position of dominance. More often, they are widely respected and loved in commensurate measure.
Cesear Mloka
Marketing Director
Serengeti Breweries Ltd
“Superbrands” brands have the characteristics of a great leader, always doing something in pursuit of building the brand vision, while inspiring others to do the same. They are always visible they stand out. They consistently deliver on the brand promise and communicates in an inspiring and motivating way which builds mutual respect and trust between the brand and its admirers. A Superbrands winner is assertive, striving to get the desired results and along with assertiveness comes the responsibility to clearly understand what its’ consumers expect from the brand. It inspire us to assess our “Personal” brands because they set up an example and show us opportunities on how we can achieve greatness in everything that we do.
Chris Harrison
The Brand Inside
Branding is not complicated - but neither is it easy. A brand is a value proposition you construct for almost anything. Your granny is a brand. There are brands in medicine and education, the Law, religion, even politicians. Branding began with livestock. If my cows bore an H mark it was easy for me to recognise them. It was a mark of ownership. When I got better at rearing cattle, people in the marketplace would notice that cows with the H brand were fatter and glossier. The mark became a signal of added value. Bidders would pay more. A Superbrand is instantly recognisable and its value proposition is clear. It helps if people like it too!
Dr. Hanningtone Gaya
Media 7 Group Kenya
Superbrands Africa has become the symbol of quality in product, after sales service, value for money and a sign for consumer guarantee-no wonder it has become the most sought after recognition by leading brands in East Africa.
Esther Ngomeli
Managing Director
BBDOMedia Edge Interactive
In an age of growing product proliferation, a shrinking marketplace and declining margins, having a great brand becomes a necessity and not a luxury. Successful brands are increasingly the ones that take a long-term and strategic view of their life cycle, can operate at the higher end of their category, build scale, transcend geographical boundaries and cultural barriers, simultaneously speak to multiple consumer segments whilst creating economies of scale and earning great returns. Brands that attain the above success will be those that continuously pursue relevance, by delivering the desired value and experiences, emotionally connecting and weaving into the fabric of its constituents’ lives. This is the future and new normal of a Superbrand!
Hon Maria Kiwanuka
Senior Presidential Advisor Finance
Radio One
Being a Superbrand separates you from the crowd. Becoming a Superbrand is never accidental, it has to be developed over-time and with continuous fine-tuning. It always starts with identifying a specific core audience for your particular Superbrand who will then be your Superbrand ambassador to the rest of your world. The Superbrand whether product, service or “in-between” must have specific features or characteristics about it that offer a pleasurable perception to the specific consumer or stakeholder. The trick is all about transforming or “morphing ” the feature (static, homogenous, unremarkable-even) into a treasured benefit (welcome unique and with value-added) to the stakeholder in the stakeholder’s emotional perception who will then return to the Super brand for that particular gratification time after time.
Innocent Tibayeita
Chief Executive Officer
MNT Promotions Management Consultancy
For a brand to lay claim to Superbrand status, it must transcend normal brand being and elevate to a 'Super State' in brand hierarchy, way above ordinary brands. In this State the brand has managed to attain and retain very strong brand Equity manifested through high levels of adoration among its target consumers and very strong performance on key metrics over a long period of time. The key metrics: Market share leadership in relevant channels and segments, consistent availability/distribution in relevant channels, retail visibility leadership, year on Sales growth, very strong profits, high recall among consumers, consistently high quality ratings, proven functionality, positive reputation and a Responsible Corporate citizen. One cannot divorce consistent strong performance on major equity, financial, environmental and consumer metrics from a Superbrand rating. A SUPERBRAND is thus a brand that has consistently fulfilled its promise to deliver quality, relevance, functionality, strong consumer experiences, emotional appeal and iconic market execution to attain distinction among its peer and universal acclaim among the Industry aficionados. That is when a Brand deserves to be called a SUPERBRAND.
Michael Okwiri
Vice President – Corporate Communications & CSR
Airtel Africa
There are so many perspectives to brands and what brands are … and each of them hold water. I personally don’t believe brands are about logos, there are brands that have the most innocuous logos and are the most iconic brands in the world. Just about everything is a brand in some sense. Be it individuals, products, services, governments, structures etc. It is how you feel about it, not necessarily emotionally but all your interactions with the various brands. A Superbrand is the special something you are really bonded to in some sense and your journey through life would be slightly less special without it. They usually hold this special place because they are a notch better than the rest. They either provide more value to you or let’s be honest is some cases, feed your ego better than the other available options. To stay on top, any Superbrand must constantly either adapt or in some cases maintain a consistent connection with you. There is no real formula to this as every different brand or experience requires its own path.
Mohammed Dewji
President and CEO
MeTL Group
A “brand” means a lot of different things to people. I believe it’s the perception we hold about a specific product, company, individual, idea etc. This concept includes, but is not limited to the tangible things we can see e.g. website, logo, product; but also, the intangible things we cannot see, such as the feeling you get when you visit a company or drink a specific product. Now a “super-brand” is the ultimate evolution of the brand. It represents the overarching common principles I believe should be inherent in all great brands. First and foremost, consistency – if you’re executing your brand correctly, you may feel like you’re saying the same thing again and again. This is how the wider audience gets to know you. Secondly, the brand must be genuine – it should represent what you actually stand for. Super-brands are guaranteed to evolve over time. Growth and change remains an integral part of their development. Super-brands also boldly stand-out from their competition. They demonstrate their values in action. And lastly, these super-brands use emotion to motivate us to action by making their audience feel way a lot more than they want to.
Rashid Tenga
Chairman and Group CEO
Aggery & Clifford
Over 1 billion people on the African continent, 54 different nations, over 3,000 tribes, with languages spanning from Arabic to French, Portuguese to Swahili, English to Zulu, etc. Unlike China and India, where a billion people are found in one country Africa is as diverse as it is exciting. South America, while also diverse, we can all agree is largely united by language and religion. A Superbrand in Africa would be one that can maintain the balance between being relevant to vastly different consumers while still maintaining its ethos across the many markets that make up the “African market”. The story of this market, cutting across various sectors, is still unfolding before our eyes. It is my view that advertising that promotes brand consistency and local relevance will contribute a chapter into this magnificent story. I remain very optimistic about the future of Africa.
Roni Madhvani
Madhvani Group
Building a brand that is Super isn’t something that is impossible to achieve. Having defined your brand, build it, nuture it and invest in it so it connects to your customer and sets it apart from the herd!
Sameer Merali
Chief Executive Officer
Sameer Investments
Brand that is synonymous with good quality, exceptional customer experience and products/services. It's a brand that is superior in it's offering as compared to it's peers. A Superbrand exhibits characteristics of quality, consistency and innovation. All stakeholders are proud to be associated with a Superbrand as it has the credibility they are proud to be part of and associated with it. A big part of being a Superbrand is the trust your partners put in you - from process, quality control and finally to the end product. They know all the parts of the process or product have been thoroughly checked and all strict guidelines followed. In today's ever changing world, innovation is critical for a Superbrand to be relevant. Superbrands are fully aware of this and invest heavily to ensure their products are dynamic and versatile.
Vimal Shah
Bidco Africa
“A Superbrand is a brand that is completely in sync with what the customer needs. The focus is the customer always and the brand itself is dynamic, adaptive and responsive. If the consumer habits or preferences change then the brand changes itself to better serve the needs of the consumer. To a Superbrand quality is a non-negotiable. Standards are enforced but excellence is the goal. And to crown it all a Superbrand delivers quality with a price advantage . This is the DNA of a true Superbrand.”